Process Communication Model (PCM) ®
PCM is a complete toolset for managing communication and relationships.
Based on an Eric Berne Memorial Award-winning theory and developed for use by NASA in astronaut selection and team development, this model helps people discover themselves, self-motivate as well as understand others and communicate effectively.
The two components of PCM are the Individual Personality Profile and a practical course in which participants understand their own profile in detail and learn to use the tool to improve their relationships.
Individual Personality Profile
What does it tell about a person?
The personality structure of the individual and the main lens through which he/she views the world (facts, emotions, opinions, reactions, actions, inactions)
Motivating factors
Character strengths
The types of situations that could trigger distress
In what type of environment does she/he work and communicate most effectively
How he/she communicates naturally and how he/she prefers to be addressed by those around him
The natural style of management
What transformations of the motivational mix the person might have experienced throughout life
Predictable distress behaviour
How can it be used?
In recruitment processes
For assigning roles and tasks in a team
To create the most effective motivational mix
For building teams
Discover your own profile by attending the next open PCM course. Detailshere.
PCM course agenda
Contact perceptions: how people view the world
Personality parts: the different energies and behaviours we manifest depending on the context
Personality types
Communication channels: how to speak the language of those around us to make ourselves understood faster and better
Management styles: how we tend to lead and how we prefer to be led
Psychological needs: what type of "battery charge" each type of personality needs
Preferred work environment
Distress sequence: how each type speaks and behaves when in distress
What do participants gain from a PCM course
On a personal level
An understanding of their preferred communication style
(Re)discovery of their own character strengths and what type of activity they value the most
Understanding why distress arises
Learning how to manage distress behaviour
Understanding the dynamics and reasons behind the personal transformations they have experienced
Understanding their motivational mix and developing an action plan to "recharge" it positively.
In interactions with others:
Learn to identify the lens through which those around see the world (facts, emotions, reactions, actions, reflections, opinions)
Learn to predict the behaviours of those close to them (family, colleagues, clients)
Learn to establish and maintain effective relationships
Learn how to motivate those around
Understanding the reasons why people get distressed and what they can do to invite them to find a workable compromise.
What the participants say after the PCM course
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