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Emotional Assertiveness®

Being emotionally assertive is not the same as accumulating information about emotions and emotional self-regulation. I propose a program in which participants learn and apply tools for emotional regulation, in order to develop their ability to express themselves healthily in the relationships they have at work and at home.

How emotions are processed in the brain

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The reptilian brain

The mammalian brain

The human brain (neocortex)

Many believe that emotions are not very important and that they stand in the way of good relationships. Nothing could be more untrue.

The brain can be divided into three large parts, often called the reptilian brain, the mammalian brain and the human brain (neocortex), according to the sequential evolution of this organ. It continues to develop for another 20 years after birth and newborns have a very underdeveloped neocortex.

These three brains do not work independently of each other, but are interconnected. The limbic system - which is part of the mammalian brain - is connected to the reptilian brain through organs that control the 'fight / flight' mechanism, our primitive alarm.


The reptilian brain

All our senses are interconnected in the reptilian brain and this system runs in the background all the time. In addition to coordinating vital systems (temperature, heart rate, respiration) it also senses changes in the environment and responds with alarm signals. This alarm system works binary "Is the change harmful or am I still safe?". Each change causes a release of adrenaline preparing the body for fight or flight.

There is a third option - freeze - which is also a good survival technique in case there is a dangerous predator nearby and we still don't know where it is. Freezing could make it harder for it to see us, while simulating death keeps many predators at bay as they only eat the prey they kill.


The mammalian brain

The limbic system is the center of our emotions and responds with an emotional signal to the stimuli received by the senses. These emotions provide us with important information about how those stimuli could influence us and what we need to do, the strategy being developed by the neocortex.


The role of the neocortex

Emotions are therefore processed by all three parts of the brain, from the reptilian, to the mammalian and then the neocortex. The configuration of this system shows us that any stimulus triggers an emotion, although sometimes we are not aware of it. With the help of thinking we process emotional information and decide what to do about it. However, because of the way our brains work, the emotional response is about 20 milliseconds faster than thinking, and so we are built to respond with predetermined, stressful behaviors that are not always the best option. Stress reactions often lead us to conflicts not because we want to, but because our unconscious brain tells us that the respective strategy saved our lives in the past and will do so again.


Memories or behavioral patterns of learning learned over the years therefore contribute to the efficient processing of emotional signals and to making decisions that help us or, on the contrary, confuse us when we resort to behaviors that is self-sabotaging.


So what is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence consists of recognising an emotion (either self or others), processing it correctly, separating past ineffective stress behaviours from healthy options that might help us, and resorting to strategies that could help us to get what we need.

Emotions can therefore be perceived as very useful and important information to integrate in the analysis of the situation, but only if we learn to live, listen and use them intelligently instead of choosing old and inefficient behaviors.

What is the use of Emotional Assertiveness?

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  • to acquire an extensive knowledge of Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Empowerment

  • to understand the mechanisms responsible for our emotional issues, failures and difficulties in relationships

  • to improve our ability to listen to our emotions, to understand them, to anticipate their impact on our lives and on our health and wellbeing

  • to deal with emotions in a healthy and authentic way

  • to improve our ability to build healthy, solid and meaningful bonds with others and improve our quality of life

Course Agenda

  • The place of emotions in the concept of Emotional Empowerment

  • The nature of emotions

  • Existing emotion groups and classifications

  • Emotions, reactions and beliefs

  • Primary emotions and their biochemistry

  • Emotional self-regulation: healthy flows and toxic flows

  • Anger, Sadness, Happiness and Fear

  • Emotional self-regulation

See you at the next open class? Detailshere.

What do participants say

It opens your eyes, invites you reflect on yourself and realise that you need to pay more attention to yourself in order to be happy.

Radu M., Head of Marketing Department, FMCG

If you want to build together a learning experience in which emotions receive their proper place as a catalyst for transformation, send me a message!

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