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  • Emotional Assertiveness | Andreea Rotaru

    Emotional Assertiveness® Being emotionally assertive is not the same as accumulating information about emotions and emotional self-regulation. I propose a program in which participants learn and apply tools for emotional regulation, in order to develop their ability to express themselves healthily in the relationships they have at work and at home. How emotions are processed in the brain The reptilian brain The mammalian brain The human brain (neocortex) Many believe that emotions are not very important and that they stand in the way of good relationships. Nothing could be more untrue. The brain can be divided into three large parts, often called the reptilian brain, the mammalian brain and the human brain (neocortex), according to the sequential evolution of this organ. It continues to develop for another 20 years after birth and newborns have a very underdeveloped neocortex. These three brains do not work independently of each other, but are interconnected. The limbic system - which is part of the mammalian brain - is connected to the reptilian brain through organs that control the 'fight / flight' mechanism, our primitive alarm. The reptilian brain All our senses are interconnected in the reptilian brain and this system runs in the background all the time. In addition to coordinating vital systems (temperature, heart rate, respiration) it also senses changes in the environment and responds with alarm signals. This alarm system works binary "Is the change harmful or am I still safe?". Each change causes a release of adrenaline preparing the body for fight or flight. There is a third option - freeze - which is also a good survival technique in case there is a dangerous predator nearby and we still don't know where it is. Freezing could make it harder for it to see us, while simulating death keeps many predators at bay as they only eat the prey they kill. The mammalian brain The limbic system is the center of our emotions and responds with an emotional signal to the stimuli received by the senses. These emotions provide us with important information about how those stimuli could influence us and what we need to do, the strategy being developed by the neocortex. The role of the neocortex Emotions are therefore processed by all three parts of the brain, from the reptilian, to the mammalian and then the neocortex. The configuration of this system shows us that any stimulus triggers an emotion, although sometimes we are not aware of it. With the help of thinking we process emotional information and decide what to do about it. However, because of the way our brains work, the emotional response is about 20 milliseconds faster than thinking, and so we are built to respond with predetermined, stressful behaviors that are not always the best option. Stress reactions often lead us to conflicts not because we want to, but because our unconscious brain tells us that the respective strategy saved our lives in the past and will do so again. Memories or behavioral patterns of learning learned over the years therefore contribute to the efficient processing of emotional signals and to making decisions that help us or, on the contrary, confuse us when we resort to behaviors that is self-sabotaging. So what is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence consists of recognising an emotion (either self or others), processing it correctly, separating past ineffective stress behaviours from healthy options that might help us, and resorting to strategies that could help us to get what we need. Emotions can therefore be perceived as very useful and important information to integrate in the analysis of the situation, but only if we learn to live, listen and use them intelligently instead of choosing old and inefficient behaviors. What is the use of Emotional Assertiveness? to acquire an extensive knowledge of Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Empowerment to understand the mechanisms responsible for our emotional issues, failures and difficulties in relationships to improve our ability to listen to our emotions, to understand them, to anticipate their impact on our lives and on our health and wellbeing to deal with emotions in a healthy and authentic way to improve our ability to build healthy, solid and meaningful bonds with others and improve our quality of life Course Agenda The place of emotions in the concept of Emotional Empowerment The nature of emotions Existing emotion groups and classifications Emotions, reactions and beliefs Primary emotions and their biochemistry Emotional self-regulation: healthy flows and toxic flows Anger, Sadness, Happiness and Fear Emotional self-regulation See you at the next open class? Detailshere. What do participants say It opens your eyes, invites you reflect on yourself and realise that you need to pay more attention to yourself in order to be happy. Radu M., Head of Marketing Department, FMCG If you want to build together a learning experience in which emotions receive their proper place as a catalyst for transformation, send me a message! That sounds great! Vrei ponturi în inbox? Săptămânal vei primi câte un "pont" practic pentru a-ți organiza gândurile, proiectele și a-ți îmbunătăți relațiile. Dacă vrei să fii între primii care au acces la aceste resurse, lasă-mi mai jos adresa ta de email. Promit că nu fac spam și nici nu-ți vând datele personale: Count me in! I'll be in touch!

  • Andreea Rotaru | coaching

    Come out and play ​​Learn how to prepare for difficult conversations with the logical maps included in this action-focused Prep-list. Sign up to receive it: Subscribe Click here to download by giving constructive feedback with confidence, clarity and empathy. ​ Top 5 feedback-related concerns of executives: ​ the recipient will become defensive how to offer a feedback that is constructive rather than hurtful how to manage and respond to emotional reactions how to make the feedback actionable how to structure the conversation

  • Copy of Resources | Andreea Rotaru

    Resources Here you'll find various tools to organise your thoughts, projects and improve your relationships. I would be happy for you to use, share or print them while keeping them in their original format. Count me in! I'll be in touch! And if you want to be among the first to have access to this type of inspiration and resources, drop me your email address below. I promise not to spam: Thoughts to decorate your tree with An exercise that will help you energize, alone or in a team, reflecting on the achievements of 2023. I want the map! Give me the team version The art of relay or how to start delegating An exercise that will help you analyze, decide and act, so you end procrastination. I want the art! Relationship Map for clarity Use this model to structure your perception of the communication style of the people around you. I want the map! Inspiration for projects from your inner Jedi If a project seems cumbersome and demotivating, use this model for a structured introspection. You will be surprised at how different you will see things after the exercise. I want inspiration! Emotional Energy because emotions are as important as thinking When was the last time you checked your emotional state? Use this template to quickly figure out where you are and what you can do to recharge! I want energy! Feedback how to give a constructive one without offending The most common question in Feedback courses, ever since we set the goals, is "What is the formula for giving constructive feedback without being annoying?" When I briefly answer that "It doesn't exist", on the faces of the participants I see a range of states: confusion, dissatisfaction, "Aha, I was sure!", curiosity.. -Well, then what do we do? Do we stop giving constructive feedback? - Yes, we do, but in a different way. -What do you mean? I want to find out! Do you want tips delivered to your Inbox? Each week you will receive a practical "tip" to organize your thoughts, projects and improve your relationships. If you want to be among the first to have access to these resources, leave me your email address below. I promise not to spam or sell your personal data: Count me in! I'll be in touch!

  • Process Communication Model | Andreea Rotaru

    Process Communication Model (PCM) ® PCM is a complete toolset for managing communication and relationships. Based on an Eric Berne Memorial Award-winning theory and developed for use by NASA in astronaut selection and team development, this model helps people discover themselves, self-motivate as well as understand others and communicate effectively. The two components of PCM are the Individual Personality Profile and a practical course in which participants understand their own profile in detail and learn to use the tool to improve their relationships. Individual Personality Profile What does it tell about a person? The personality structure of the individual and the main lens through which he/she views the world (facts, emotions, opinions, reactions, actions, inactions) Motivating factors Character strengths The types of situations that could trigger distress In what type of environment does she/he work and communicate most effectively How he/she communicates naturally and how he/she prefers to be addressed by those around him The natural style of management What transformations of the motivational mix the person might have experienced throughout life Predictable distress behaviour How can it be used? In recruitment processes For assigning roles and tasks in a team To create the most effective motivational mix For building teams Discover your own profile by attending the next open PCM course. Detailshere. PCM course agenda Contact perceptions: how people view the world Personality parts: the different energies and behaviours we manifest depending on the context Personality types Communication channels: how to speak the language of those around us to make ourselves understood faster and better Management styles: how we tend to lead and how we prefer to be led Psychological needs: what type of "battery charge" each type of personality needs Preferred work environment Distress sequence: how each type speaks and behaves when in distress What do participants gain from a PCM course On a personal level An understanding of their preferred communication style (Re)discovery of their own character strengths and what type of activity they value the most Understanding why distress arises Learning how to manage distress behaviour Understanding the dynamics and reasons behind the personal transformations they have experienced Understanding their motivational mix and developing an action plan to "recharge" it positively. In interactions with others: Learn to identify the lens through which those around see the world (facts, emotions, reactions, actions, reflections, opinions) Learn to predict the behaviours of those close to them (family, colleagues, clients) Learn to establish and maintain effective relationships Learn how to motivate those around Understanding the reasons why people get distressed and what they can do to invite them to find a workable compromise. What the participants say after the PCM course “I'm leaving a little (or more) puzzled (in a positive way). I learned something new about myself which will make it easier for me to relate to others and appreciate them at their true value. ” Roxana R., Department Manager, Logistics What PCM improves in organizations Leadership Skills Relationships with colleagues Team performance Personal relationships I want those too! Vrei ponturi în inbox? Săptămânal vei primi câte un "pont" practic pentru a-ți organiza gândurile, proiectele și a-ți îmbunătăți relațiile. Dacă vrei să fii între primii care au acces la aceste resurse, lasă-mi mai jos adresa ta de email. Promit că nu fac spam și nici nu-ți vând datele personale: Count me in! I'll be in touch!

  • Services | Andreea Rotaru

    Our Services This is your Services Page. It's a great opportunity to provide information about the services you provide. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors. Whether you're offering multiple services, courses or programs, you can edit this space to fit your website's needs. Simply double click on this section to open the content manager and modify the content. Explain what each item entails and add photos or videos for even more engagement. Service Name I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Service Name I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Service Name I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Service Name I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Get a Quote This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. First Name Last Name Email Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Coaching | Andreea Rotaru

    Theories are patterns without value. What counts is action. Constantin Brancusi How does our brain work? From the bottom up, regulation or dysregulation of the nervous system impacts our emotions and thoughts. Ascending mechanisms are involuntary, most often unconscious, and refer to the physical effects of environmental stimuli on the body. The approach to this informational flow focuses on the body, senses and instinctive responses as they are processed in the brainstem and then ascend to the cortical area of the brain. Cognition influences the emotional and instinctual system. Downstream flows can be voluntary, conscious, and refer to how memory, relevance, emotion, attention, and imagination influence perception. The top-down approach targets the cortical functions of cognition. Our thoughts, reasoning, judgments and identity influence how we feel and the ability of the nervous system to self-regulate. Between the cognitive, emotional and instinctual structures there is a continuous exchange of information. Brainstem (reptilian brain) Senses, Perception of the body Limbic System (mammal brain) Affective life, Emotions Neocortex (human brain) Meaning, Beliefs, Reasoning, Identity, Inner Dialogue Why does Coaching work? It acts on the downstream flow increasing adaptability, creativity and resources by: Exploring personal identity and values Dissociating from self-images based on shame and prejudice Reducing negative inner dialogue (self-sabotage) Re-awareness of own needs and capabilities Establishing clear objectives and taking action Rediscovering a state of presence and vitality If you want us to explore and build a transformational journey together for you and your team, let's talk! I want transformation

  • Services | Andreea Rotaru

    Top of Page Anchor 1 Anchor 2 Anchor 3 Top of Page Anchor 1 Anchor 2 Anchor 3 "Emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions. " Donald Calne An anti fragile team needs both. I create and facilitate training and coaching programs that combine emotional intelligence with analytical thinking through case studies and practical experiences. I want ideas Training It's not about HOW, nor about WHAT, it's about WHO Once upon a time training was about passing on information, practicing it and developing skills. In an internet age where almost any information is a click away and we have all sorts of apps to develop our skills, that type of training has become redundant. Bombarded with data, case studies, articles and apps the value comes from elsewhere. From that moment of calibration in which we ask ourselves "Why should I learn ...?", "Who become if I learn ...?", "What impact do I create if I learn ...?". From the programs I create and facilitate I know that each participant has (and needs) their own learning journey and the most valuable resources are the connections. Only when someone decides what transformation he wants to provoke in himself and around him starting from an information can he become active in the learning process. What transformation do you want to create? I want transformation Anchor 1 Coaching If you don't ask the right questions, all the answers seem wrong Life is worth living with gusto. If we lose our gusto, the world gets uglier and smaller. We work tirelessly and we don't know what's getting in the way ... As a Coach, I help my clients get moving by asking questions. They have the power to turn confusion into action and restore the gusto for a full life. Whether we are talking about Life Coaching or Business Coaching, the process is the same: we only look to the future, we appeal to Values ​​and Emotion and we look for solutions. Because every time the Client knows , even if he still doesn't know he knows. Think about it. We keep developing our minds to reach the peak of our careers. Before taking the next step, ask yourself what you want to achieve. Do you want to respect yourself more or earn more? What does your future look like after you reach your professional peak? What inner fears do you need to overcome in order to be fully satisfied with your activity or life? The clearer you are about what you want, the easier it will be for you to get it. And if you want me to accompany you on this journey ... I want clarity Anchor 2 Anchor 3 Perceptual Development What the nuances teach us A complicated name for a talent we are born with and lose as we grow older: how to live in the present moment. Perceptual development helps us become present again using the information that our body gives us as a compass. As we become more attentive with ourselves we begin to perceive nuances, opportunities, we feel more relaxed and agile. We begin to manifest more freely and no longer "judge" and "label" those around us. We even discover that there is enough space for us, for them and for our relationships. Which then translates into harmony, satisfaction, cooperation and creativity. If I aroused your curiosity and you want to know more ... I want balance I was impressed by how she used her coaching approach to understand our needs and help us unveil the unspoken ones. Andreea’s core strength as a trainer is that she works in a brilliant way with participant’s emotions, creating a psychological safety environment, where people are willing to express themselves in a genuine way and to start working with their own identified challenges. Andreea developed and strengthened an unique way to align the company, managers 'and participants' development needs, so all parties benefit. The partnership with Andreea helped my company create meaningful development experiences for my colleagues so I am grateful I met her. SORIN, L&D MANAGER Do you want tips delivered to your Inbox? Each week you will receive a practical "tip" to organize your thoughts, projects and improve your relationships. If you want to be among the first to have access to these resources, type your email address below. I promise not to spam or sell your personal data: Count me in! I'll be in touch!

  • Search Results | Andreea Rotaru

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  • Training | Andreea Rotaru

    I am still learning. Michelangelo, at the age of 87 My training programs Each person needs a unique journey of transformation, motivation and learning. In building a program we start with the end in mind: What do we want to achieve through that program? How will we know we achieved it? One of the main tools in my "kit" is the Process Communication Model, for the simplicity it brings to people's deepest searches: Who am I? What do I need to feel more fulfilled? How can I have more harmonious relationships? Don't take my word for it, here's a video with more details: Learn more about PCM here. Another tool with major impact in any development process is the Emotional Assertiveness model developed by John Parr. Because Emotional Intelligence becomes our ally only when we apply it: Learn more about Emotional Assertiveness here. Here are some of the programs we can start with to create a personalized journey for you and your team: Communication and Relationships PCM Core Topics Communication and Relationships 2 PCM Advanced Course Emotional Agility Applied emotional intelligence The Alchemist Coaching for managers (de)Coding the Team Stress Management Presentations and public speaking Feedback & Feedforward Leadership in the virtual age Time Management with a twist The Mastery of Management The Mind-Body Connection If you want us to explore and build a learning and transformation journey for you and your team, let's talk: I want transformation

  • Servicii | Andreea Rotaru

    Come out and play The Assertive Spark Newsletter Practical tips to coach your team into creating a workplace people thrive in. Thriving people = thriving business. Start here! Count me in! What topics will get the Spark? Emotional Assertiveness Stress Management Communication Leading & Motivating Teams Do you want tips delivered to your Inbox? Each week you will receive a practical "tip" to organize your thoughts, projects and improve your relationships. If you want to be among the first to have access to these resources, leave me your email address below. I promise not to spam or sell your personal data: Count me in! I'll be in touch!

  • Resources | Andreea Rotaru

    Resources Here you'll find various tools to organise your thoughts, projects and improve your relationships. I would be happy for you to use, share or print them while keeping them in their original format. Count me in! I'll be in touch! And if you want to be among the first to have access to this type of inspiration and resources, drop me your email address below. I promise not to spam: Thoughts to decorate your tree with An exercise that will help you energize, alone or in a team, reflecting on the achievements of 2023. I want the map! Give me the team version The art of relay or how to start delegating An exercise that will help you analyze, decide and act, so you end procrastination. I want the art! Relationship Map for clarity Use this model to structure your perception of the communication style of the people around you. I want the map! Inspiration for projects from your inner Jedi If a project seems cumbersome and demotivating, use this model for a structured introspection. You will be surprised at how different you will see things after the exercise. I want inspiration! Emotional Energy because emotions are as important as thinking When was the last time you checked your emotional state? Use this template to quickly figure out where you are and what you can do to recharge! I want energy! Feedback how to give a constructive one without offending The most common question in Feedback courses, ever since we set the goals, is "What is the formula for giving constructive feedback without being annoying?" When I briefly answer that "It doesn't exist", on the faces of the participants I see a range of states: confusion, dissatisfaction, "Aha, I was sure!", curiosity.. -Well, then what do we do? Do we stop giving constructive feedback? - Yes, we do, but in a different way. -What do you mean? I want to find out! Do you want tips delivered to your Inbox? Each week you will receive a practical "tip" to organize your thoughts, projects and improve your relationships. If you want to be among the first to have access to these resources, leave me your email address below. I promise not to spam or sell your personal data: Count me in! I'll be in touch!

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